Current Conditions
[This section automatically
refreshes every 1.25 minutes] |
on 1/31/25
(Location) |
58.8° |
High: 59.7° (3:20am) |
Low: 54.7°
(1:51am) |
Wind: |
1 mph from the
E |
Gust: |
mph |
Today's High Wind: |
5 mph
(2:49am) |
Humidity: |
100% |
Pressure: |
30.16 in
(Steady) |
Pressure Rate: |
0.010 in/hr |
Dew Point: |
58.8° |
Wind Chill: |
58.8° |
Heat Index
(feels like): |
66.0° |
Comfort Level: |
Cool |
Rate: |
-0.22°/hr |
Rainfall Totals
Hourly Rain |
0.00 in |
Daily Rain: |
0.00 in |
Monthly Rain: |
4.14 in |
Yearly Rain: |
4.14 in |
Normal Rain, month
to date: |
0.00 in |
Normal Rain, year
to date: |
0.00 in |
7 Day Forecast
Weather Reports from select Reporting Stations around the
Region |
Local Weather Exchange®
Network |
Station ID |
City (Click for Map Location)
Neighborhood (Click for History) |
Last Update (Date & Time)
Temperature (°)
Dew Point (°) |
Humidity (%) |
Wind (mph) |
from the |
Gust (mph) |
(in) |
Hourly Rain (in) |
Fruit Cove |
Executive Cove |
1/31/25 8:03am |
58.8 |
58.8 |
100 |
1 |
E |
2 |
30.16 |
0.00 |
Weather Warnings for St. John's, Clay, Duval, Putnam & Flagler Counties |
.Click on the Auto Scroll RSS Weather
Warning Feed of interest to expand its message.
..The same warning message may appear more
than once if it apples to multiple counties.. |