KFLFRUIT7 - DW8234 in Fruit Cove, Florida  

Real Time Weather Statistics from Executive Cove

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Tropical Weather

Moving the mouse over the scrolling text box will stop the text so it can be read.
Moving the mouse off the scrolling text box will allow the text to resume scrolling.

This page automatically refreshes every 5 minutes.

National Hurricane Center

National Weather Service

East Central Florida Tropical Weather Page

NHC Data Archive

MonthlyWeather Review - Annual Summaries of North Atlantic Storms,1872-2011

NWS Southern Region Tropical Web Page

National Weather Service JETSTREAM - Online School for Weather-Tropical Weather




NHC Marine Forecasts & Analyses

Tropical Surface Analysis & NWS Unified Surface Analysis



See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions,

as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map.

Updated every three hours.

Earth Nullschool 81.39W & 30.10N

Earth Nullschool 49.76W & 20.65N


North Atlantic Tracking Chart

Preliminary for 2022

North Atlantic Tracking Chart

  Final for 2021

North Atlantic Tracking Chart

  Final for 2020

North Atlantic Tracking Chart

  Final for 2019

North Atlantic Tracking Chart

  Final for 2018

North Atlantic Tracking Chart

  Final for 2017

North Atlantic Tracking Chart

  Final for 2016



GOES-East - Sector Views: Gulf of Mexico - GeoColor

(Click on Satellite Picture for Loop)

GOES-East - Sector Views: Caribbean - GeoColor

(Click on Satellite Picture for Loop)


Tropical Cyclone Imagery for the North Atlantic, Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico

Atlantic and Eastern Pacific – SST Color Loop

GOES-16 East - Regional sector view: Tropical Atlantic - Wide View

Band 13 10.3 um Clean Longwave Window - IR


Hurricane Research Division

JETSTREAM - Tropical Cyclone Classification

National Hurricane Center - Tropical Cyclone Climatology

Tropical Cyclone
Probabilities - Named Storms in June
Tropical Cyclone
Probabilities - Named Storms in July
Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Named Storms in August Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Named Storms in September Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Named Storms in October Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Named Storms in November Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Named Storms - Annually
Tropical Cyclone
Probabilities - Hurricanes in June
Tropical Cyclone
Probabilities - Hurricanes in July
Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Hurricanes in August Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Hurricanes in September Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Hurricanes in October Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Hurricanes in November Tropical Cyclone Probabilities - Hurricanes - Annually
GOES-East - Sector Views: Northeast U.S.
GeoColor Image
GOES-East - Sector Views: U.S. Atlantic Coast
GeoColor Image
GOES-East - Sector Views: Southeast
GeoColor Image
GOES-East - Sector Views: Gulf of Mexico
GeoColor Image
GOES-East - Sector Views: Tropical Atlantic - Wide View
GeoColor Image
GOES-East - Sector Views: Caribbean Sea
GeoColor Image
METEO SAT Eastern Atlantic AVN Color Image

NESDIS Tropical Cyclone Products

NESDIS North Atlantic Tropical Products

Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Guidance Product - Atlantic Basin

GOES Image Viewer for both GOES East and GOES West Satellites (Nice GUI for accessing the various regions)

GOES-East Full Disk View - GeoColor GeoColor - True Color daytime, multispectral IR at night

(Click on Satellite Picture for Loop)


GOES-East - Sector Views: Tropical Atlantic - Wide View - GeoColor

(Click on Satellite Picture for Loop)


Sarahan Air Layer (SAL) Analysis

CIMSS Realtime North Atlantic Satellite Images 

CIMSS Realtime Eastern Atlantic Satellite Images 


European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

Mean Sea Level Pressure and Wind Speed at 850 hPa North America (ECMWF)

Mean Sea Level Pressure and Wind Speed at 850 hPa Central America (ECMWF)

Mean Sea Level Pressure and Wind Speed at 850 hPa West Tropic (ECMWF)

NOTE: If when clicking on the ECMWF links above generates an initial Web Page with the following error:

 "Failed to get chart packages"


"Product not found - Could not find the product medium-mslp-wind850"


"You are not logged in - Please note that many charts have restricted access."

simply click on REFRESH ↻ to bring up the current Web Page.


Early warning: The current ECMWF application will be retired soon, please consider using our new application.

For more information, please visit the first link below. 


Changes on Web Charts Application (ECMWF)

Forecast Charts (ECMWF)

Medium Range Charts (ECMWF)

Tropical Cyclones (ECMWF)

Latest Tropical Cyclone Forecast (ECMWF)

Tropical Cyclone Activity (ECMWF)

Tropical cyclone activity (Including genesis) (ECMWF)



FSU Tropical Cyclogenesis Model Output


Penn State Tropical Cyclogenesis Model Output (Missing in action for a while now)


Colorado State University - Tropical Meteorology Project Forecast Schedule


NASA - NASA's Hurricane Web Page

NASA - Specific Hurricanes in History


Tropical Atlantic - Home Page

Tropical Atlantic - Recon Page 

On the Tropical Atlantic Recon Page go to the top center of the page and find the following:


 To the right it may have several systems listed. The following is an example: Potential Tropical Cyclone Six

Select the system you want to explore & click on it. The next page that is displayed should have the

Models selection to the right of the map.


Tropical Tidbits

Tropical Tidbits - Global Tropical Cyclone and Disturbance Information (Current Storms)

Tropical Tidbits - Aircraft Reconnisance

Tropical Tidbits - Satellite Imagery

Tropical Tidbits - Numerical Model Prediction (Forecast Models)


CPC - Climate Weather Linkage: Madden - Julian Oscillation

Madden-Julian Oscillation: Recent Evolution, Current Status and Predictions


Unisys Weather Hurricane-Tropical Data (No longer available)


CIMSS Homepage

CIMSS Tropical Cyclones


New Items added on August 31, 2021 fall below this demarcation.


ZOOM Earth

Zoom Earth shows live weather satellite images of the Earth in a fast, zoomable map.

Explore near real-time weather images, rainfall radar maps, and animated wind maps.

Track tropical cyclones, severe storms, wildfires, natural hazards and more.


WINDY (also known as Windyty)

Windy is an extraordinary tool for weather forecast visualization that is a full color,

 worldwide, animated weather map using GIS interface  showing current and projected

wind and other weather conditions for any location in the world.

The data can be viewed at different spatial scales.





PowerOutage.US is an ongoing project created to track,

record, and aggregate power outages across the united states.




Weather Underground PWS KFLFRUIT7   CWOP 8234  
Ambient Weather and Weather Underground
 Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet

Portions of this Web Page are updated automatically by Virtual Weather Station  V14.01 p43

Please note that some of the functionality of this WEB site depends upon the Weather Underground,
the National Weather Service and numerous other providers of weather data being operational.
If any of these WEB sites are down, then portions of this WEB site will be unavailable.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

KFLFRUIT7 Home KFLFRUIT7 Super Compass (Beta) 
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Tropical Weather Page Archived Hurricane Radar Images Archived Hurricane Satellite Images Conversion Calculator Disclaimers Site Map

This page was last updated on

Sunday, January 1, 2023 2:18:01 PM

Copyright© 2011-2023: KFLFRUIT7 WEB Site designed and maintained by TVOR